01-08-12 Live and Let Live

Joe Hunter, communications director of the Gary Johnson for President campaign, explains the switch of the former New Mexico Governor from the Republican Party to the Libertarian Party. (http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/)

Libertarian Party national chair Mark Hinkle talks about the need for an pro-freedom alternative to the two major parties. (http://www.lp.org)

Cherylyn Harley LeBon of Project 21, the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives, exposes how the Obama Administration is circumventing the legislative process and how the public school system has been mismanaged in Washington, D.C. (http://www.nationalcenter.org/bios/P21Speakers_LeBon.html)

Radio talk show host Lisa Fritsch discusses her book, “Obama, Tea Parties, and God.” (http://www.lisafritsch.com/)

