09-16-12 The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust

Dr. Lorraine Day (http://www.drday.com) discussed her battle with, and victory over, advanced cancer in 1993. She refused chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery and chose to rebuild her immune system by totally natural therapies, so her body could heal itself. She discussed the role of virus and bacteria in disease as that of clean-up crew – to eliminate an already existing toxicity from the body. She stressed the synergy of the components of good health: exercise, good diet, and right attitude, which affords the ability to handle stress. She also briefly mentioned vaccination as a means of depopulation and eugenics, a topic that is surfacing more frequently on the show, because the evidence that that is indeed the case continues to mount, as the number of doctors and researchers who express the same opinion continues to increase.

Donna Voetee (https://www.facebook.com/granny.goodfood?ref=ts), known on Facebook as Granny Good-Food, discussed her use of alternative medicine to help heal her son from aplastic anemia. She discussed the vitamins and minerals that were most essential to the maintenance of a healthy immune system, and described three essential food groups: Guts n’ grease – organ meat and products made from raw milk;
Stinky stuff – fermented: sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt, kombucha, seaweed, etc.; and
Squiggly stuff – organic, unflavored gelatin; bone stock.

The issue of trust was the the usurpation of parental authority that are the laws establishing both vaccination requirements for public schools and mandate of compliance with vaccine exemption protocols to refuse vaccines, when what should be established are laws mandating provision on the part of doctors and vaccine implementers of all negative vaccine information, with strict penalties for non-compliance, and mandatory signature of consent. Vaccines can, and do, after all, permanently damage and kill children.

