04-13-12 Rule of Law

Friday 4-Hour Info-Marathon.





Note from Deborah: Toward the end of the second hour, Randy made a reference to a recent case that Deborah was involved with regarding suing a debt collector. Randy accidentally gave erroneous information concerning the settlement offer in the case. Randy attempted to correct this error during the next segment but he inadvertently stated another incorrect amount regarding the settlement. (Pursuant to the non-disclosure clause in the settlement agreement, Deborah cannot state the actual amount.)

The real victory was the defendants’ agreement to permanently remove inaccurate and erroneous information from the plaintiff’s credit reports, which was the primary goal of the lawsuit.

Randy was not familiar with the details of the case and his statements were an honest mistake. His intent was to express to the listeners that Michael Mirras’ methods are valid and that many people including Deborah have had success using Mike Mirras’ strategies.

We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding regarding this matter. Folks can listen to the March 1, 2012 archive of Deborah and Mike Mirras discussing the case by clicking on this link:

Folks can get more info on the Mike Mirras course and purchase the course by clicking on this link: http://www.ruleoflawradio.com/mirras.htm