05-19-13 Live and Let Live

Katrina Pierson, (http://katpierson.wordpress.com) founder of the Garland, Texas, Tea Party (http://garlandteaparty.org) and the host of Texas Tea Party on America’s Web Radio, (http://www.americaswebradio.com/showpages/TexasTeaParty.php) condemns the unfair treatment of patriotic groups by the Internal Revenue Service. (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Katrina-Pierson/155978814428680)

Michael Vitris, a staff attorney with the Texas Appleseed Project, (http://texasappleseed.net) exposes the harm caused by the Texas law that treats children in school as criminals for disruption of classes. (http://texasappleseed.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=27&Itemid=298)

