05-13-11 Live and Let Live

Replay of 05-01-11.

Jeff Stier, (http://www.jeffstier.org/) head of the Risk Analysis Division at the National Center for Public Policy Research, (http://www.nationalcenter.org/bios/stier.html) criticizes “Communities Putting Prevention to Work” (CPPW), a federal grant program to ban or tax some choices of what consumers may eat. (http://www.jeffstier.org/9426/libertarian-paternalism-twisted)

Tom Borelli, (http://townhall.com/columnists/tomborelli/) director of the Free Enterprise Project at the National Center for Public Policy Research, (http://www.nationalcenter.org/bios/borelli.html) exposes the lobbying efforts of General Electric for subsidies, mandates, and restrictions on competition. (http://www.nationalcenter.org/PR-GE_Immelt_042711.html)

Heather Smathers, (http://heathersmathers.com) a newspaper reporter for The Arizona Independent, (http://www2.az-independent.com) tells about using the Freedom of Information Act to obtain the immigration file of the father of Barack Obama II. (http://www2.az-independent.com/2011/04/27/independent-exclusive-dads-immigration-file-offers-more-evidence-of-obamas-birthplace/, http://www.scribd.com/doc/54015762/Barack-Hussein-Obama-Sr-Immigration-File)

