09-13-11 INN World Report Radio

In the first part of tonight’s show Tom discusses the events in NYC at INN Studios honoring the 10th Anniversary of the attacks of September 11th. 2001. INN co-hosted an event in their studios that day featuring numerous speakers the information for whom can be found here: http://howtheworldchanged.org/. The event was written up in the Guardian UK in the following must read article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/sep/12/9-11-symposium-charlie-skelton.

Then Tom speaks with rising alternative media star James Corbertt of the Cobertt Report; http://www.corbettreport.com about the state of the alternative media as well as the process of “waking up” both from the perspective of the audience as well as from that of the producers of alternative media.

