- Category Archives Rule Of Law
08-23-10 Rule of Law
Special Guest Attorney Bill Davis from Austin discusses his recent victories concerning red-light cameras in Austin.
08-06-10 Rule of Law
Hour 1, Special Guest Dennis Gray discusses unincorporated associations.
Hour 2, hosts take calls.
Hour 3, Special Guest Don Terry, host of Agenda 21 Talk, agenda21talk.com, discusses private contracts in the form of a pure trust.
Hour 4, hosts take calls.
08-02-10 Rule of Law
Nescience gives a great archive description in the comments section of this post.
Deborah elaborates in a comment on the necessity of “hand counted paper ballots in public view”
as the only legitimate solution to reclaim accurate elections, and how the concepts
of “paper trails” and “electronic verification” are red-herrings and frauds thrust on
the public to distract us from the real solution.
07-30-10 Rule of Law
Guest Diane Beall Templin, real estate attorney and candidate for Attorney General for the State of California. (http://templin4attorneygeneral.blogspot.com)
07-23-10 Rule of Law
Hour 1 Guest: Tom Woods. (www.TomWoods.com)
Hours 2-4: Hosts take calls.
07-16-10 Rule of Law
Hour 1: Matthew Medina and Joseph Lopez from We Are Change San Antonio discuss their victory concerning having the charges against them dismissed regarding their 9/11 Truth sign and handing out free dvd’s in the park.
Hours 2-4: Hosts take calls.
07-12-10 Rule Of Law
Hour 1: Discussion on the Recording Industry Association of America posting it’s own intellectual property on bit-torrents available to the public for free on the internet, nullifying their own claims of master-use-license under copyright, then turning around and suing people for downloading the files for copyright violations in an attempt to “entrap”, although they’ve waived their standing to sue because they posted their own files for free for download.
Hour 2: Hosts take calls.
07-09-10 Rule Of Law
Hour 1: Discussion of unlawful “SMART – Specialized Multi-Agency Response Team” searches in Oakland, California, and how these searches and programs violate California Constitution and California statutes. Hosts discuss how these programs are likely an attempt at local implementation of the evil Agenda 21 plan of the U.N. for the purpose of establishing an unlawful, unconstitutional global government takeover of local municipal agencies and municipal governments as well as an attempt to circumvent local municipal charters and ordinances, county commissioners courts and the sheriffs, as well as state and federal Constitutions, statutes and lawful state and federal governmental authority. http://www.infowars.com/oakland-police-search-without-warrants
Hours 2-4: Hosts take calls.
07-08-10 Rule Of Law
Hour 1: Deborah discusses Romans 13 and Acts 16, and how we have a duty to deal with criminals who are either posing as officials in government, or criminals that are abusing their official capacity as public servants.
Hour 2: Hosts take calls.
07-02-10 Rule Of Law
Hour 1: Discussion on the Federal Tort Claims Act and searches involving traffic stops. The Terry ruling and subsequent related cases are discussed, as well as cases addressing the issue of behavioral indications by dogs being used for prima fascie showings of probable cause for searches.
Hours 2-4: Hosts take calls on various topics.