09-14-12 AxXiom for Liberty

Replay of 09-07-12.

Howard takes a break from the campaign trail and re-joins Kaye for this show! Guests; Jonathan Small, C.P.A., who serves as Fiscal Policy Director for OCPA, the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs to talk about the upcoming 2012 Liberty Gala to be held Oct. 10th in Tulsa Oklahoma http://www.ocpathink.org/, and Doug Friesen, a leading gun rights attorney having represented more than 25 use of deadly force cases. Friesen is defending Oklahoma Pharmiscist Jerome Ersland in his appeal against the life sentence he was given for shooting and killing one of the two would be robbers who entered his store back in 2009. Friesen explains why his Second Amendment Protection Plan is something every gun owner should consider and talks about his long legal battle with stemming from ATF targeting and how he beat them! http://yourgunlawyer.com/

