08-12-12 The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust

Sunday, August 12, on The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust, the guest the first hour was Ingri Cassel. Ingri is Director of Vaccination Liberation, a website that hosts chapters in almost every state in the U.S., whose members are there to assist all of us in the application for vaccine exemption and related issues. Ingri spoke, in part, in memory of her just-passed mother, Walene James, a giant in the vaccine awareness movement. Ingri also discussed the critical difference between the immune system response elicited by naturally acquired disease pathogens, vs vaccines, which are intramuscularly injected and contain adjuvants and neurotoxins.

The guest the second hour was Marcella Piper-Terry, researcher extraordinaire and founder of VaxTruth.org, which propels the national No Shot, No School – Not True! billboard campaign. Marci told us about the vaccine damage suffered by her daughter.

As the issue of trust, Shawn discussed the CDC’s dereliction of duty in not announcing to the American public the findings of their own 1999 in-house study that showed a direct, causal link between thimerosal in vaccines and the rising incidence of autism and learning and speech disorders in the United States.

Please submit comments and questions for the host or guests of the show to thevaccinemyth@gmail.com

