12-19-12 Truth News Radio Australia

My guest tonight is Rochelle Macredie, LLB, BSc, who joins us to expose discrepencies, anomalies and disinformation in the coverage of the Sandy Hook school shooting.

Rochelle’s incisive intellect dissects many confusing strands of this story in an attempt to penetrate through the propaganda to work out what really happened and the agenda at work.

Rochelle provides solid facts which dispel some of the myths about the relationship between the availability of guns and homicide, and presents some shocking revelations about the connection between SSRI medications and aberrant behaviour.

Rochelle is a vegetarian and no gun enthusiast, nevertheless she is stridently opposed to gun bans. Why?

As Rochelle puts it: since government was the leading cause of death in the 20th century, handing our weapons back to the government may not be the best way to keep us all safe.

In the second hour I am joined by Damon Crowe, who brings us his perspective on 2012 and the Mayan connection.



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