08-22-12 Truth Exposed Radio Posted on August 22, 2012 9:54 pm by truthexposedradio Comment Tonight on Truth Exposed Radio, the hosts take a ton of calls on all sorts of topics, including a call from Alex Jones (InfoWars.com), and discuss the crumbling global economy. TER_2012-08-22_64k.mp3 TER_2012-08-22_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2012 Truth Exposed Radio
April 18, 2012 truthexposedradio 04-18-12 Truth Exposed RadioIn this episode of Truth Exposed Radio, Cody and CJ are joined by Rob of FunkMasterFive and Derrick...
February 16, 2012 truthexposedradio 02-15-12 Truth Exposed RadioGuest Aaron Dykes from Infowars.com. TER_2012-02-15_64k.mp3 TER_2012-02-15_16k.mp3