07-25-12 Truth Exposed Radio Posted on July 25, 2012 8:42 pm by truthexposedradio Comment In this episode of Truth Exposed Radio, the hosts discuss the 2nd Amendment and its importance, Obama Zombies, and take calls from listeners about current events. TER_2012-07-25_64k.mp3 TER_2012-07-25_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2012 Truth Exposed Radio
July 11, 2012 truthexposedradio 07-11-12 Truth Exposed RadioTER_2012-07-11_64k.mp3 TER_2012-07-11_16k.mp3
March 28, 2012 truthexposedradio 03-28-12 Truth Exposed RadioOn this March 28, 2012 episode, Drew Manning and Dave Lenhart from Youth for Ron Paul - University o...