07-13-11 Truth Exposed Radio Posted on July 14, 2011 8:47 am by truthexposedradio Comment Tonight’s Episode: Bohemian Grove Exposed w/We Are Change Minnesota, Info Jamming the Mainstream w/ John Conner. Matias from the Chilean Resistance, being dubbed the Wikileaks of Chile. TER_2011-07-13_64k.mp3 TER_2011-07-13_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2011 Truth Exposed Radio
September 16, 2011 truthexposedradio 09-14-11 Truth Exposed RadioTruth Exposed Radio 9-14-11 Matthew Medina hosts the show solo.Wraps up recent 9/11 truth news, acti...
September 23, 2011 truthexposedradio 09-21-11 Truth Exposed RadioCody Hess returns to the show. Matt & Cody discuss current news headlines, highlight new activis...