01-19-11 Truth Exposed Radio Posted on January 20, 2011 11:23 pm by truthexposedradio Comment Special Guest Matias Rojas from Chile (http://youtube.com/NWNoticias) describes his confrontation with David Rockefeller. TER_2011-01-19_128k.mp3 TER_2011-01-19_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2011 Truth Exposed Radio
April 22, 2011 truthexposedradio 04-20-11 Truth Exposed RadioWe Are Change Wednesday. TER_2011-04-20_64k.mp3 TER_2011-04-20_16k.mp3
September 9, 2011 truthexposedradio 09-07-11 Truth Exposd RadioCody and Matt discuss 9/11 and take calls about the issue. Guests include: Glenn Zarmanov of WeAreCh...