On tonight’s episode of “The Crypto Show,” our guest is Julia Tourianski of www.bravetheworld.com and the Youtube channel “bravetheworld.” Before we talk to her, however, Danny updates us on his recent arrival to San Francisco, where he has already met up with Julia. Despite some automotive troubles, Danny has been able to stay on track with his trip, and he gives us a quick review of his success in getting Gun Compensator, LLC, in Torrence, California, to become a distributor for the GhostGunner, and already several have sold. Danny also has an owner of a dispensary verbally on board to get a Bitcoin/Dash ATM.
Julia joins us from her new home in San Francisco to introduce the world to the new material that she is creating on her website and channel. She also regales us with some interesting personal anecdotes about her time already in San Francisco, and how they indicate the political climate there and throughout the rest of the country.
We then have a long discussion about the price and future of Bitcoin, as well touch upon the block-size debate, and Julia answers questions I have about the incentives involved for owners of nodes and for the Bitcoin core developers. I also mention her awesome T-shirts available at her website, and Julia announces that she will be appearing at PorcFest.