01-28-11 Rule of Law Posted on February 1, 2011 11:16 pm by ruleoflawradio Comment Hour 1 & 2: Randy presents material on foreclosures and mortgage fraud. Hour 3 & 4: Hosts take calls. ROL_2011-01-28_128k_Hr1&2.mp3 ROL_2011-01-28_16k_Hr1&2.mp3 ROL_2011-01-28_128k_Hr3&4.mp3 ROL_2011-01-28_16k_Hr3&4.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2011 Rule of Law
April 13, 2011 ruleoflawradio 04-08-11 Rule of LawReplay of 02-18-11. Very special guest Harmon Taylor. Hour 1: Discussion of the Terre Haute litigati...
September 9, 2011 ruleoflawradio 09-08-11 Rule of LawEddie discusses the corrupt municipal court in Austin, and hosts take your calls. ROL_2011-09-08_64k...