One Response to 05-24-10 Rule Of Law

  1. Avatar nescience
    nescience says:

    Mike (CT) calls in about a crime-in-progress. His wife was a passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over by police for a traffic violation. Even though she was not the driver, the police demanded identification from her. After a very long time, the police inform the wife that it appears that there is a warrant for her arrest from a State mental hospital(!) and that they have been told that she must be taken to that hospital on the other side of Connecticut. (See Mike’s update on the ROL show dated 20100702, Hours 3 & 4, as well as the interview with Dr. Bill Veith on 20100528.)

    Eddie discusses how the Texas bar association is in direct violation of the Texas Constitution’s Separation of Powers doctrine, which does not allow officers of the court (i.e., attorney) to practice in the legislative or executive branches of government because they are already judicial officers.