01-14-10 Rule Of Law Posted on January 15, 2010 2:24 am by ruleoflawradio Comment Further discussion on legal issues of backscatter machines. Discussion of Title 5. Eddie discusses the constitutional crisis of “lawyers.” ROL_2010-01-14_128k.mp3 ROL_2010-01-14_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2010 Rule Of Law
June 26, 2010 ruleoflawradio 06-25-10 Rule Of LawHours 1 & 2: Special Guest Bruno Bruhwiler, organizer of We Are Change Los Angeles. (http://wacla.or...
November 12, 2010 ruleoflawradio 11-11-10 Rule of LawHosts play a clip recorded by Mike H. in Texas of a conversation from a police officer assigned to t...