11-16-09 Rule Of Law Posted on November 20, 2009 2:27 am by ruleoflawradio 1 Comment ROL_2009-11-16_64k.mp3 ROL_2009-11-16_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2009 Rule of Law
August 29, 2009 ruleoflawradio 08-28-09 Rule Of LawROL_2009-08-28_64k_Hr1&2.mp3 ROL_2009-08-28_16k_Hr1&2.mp3 ROL_2009-08-28_64k_Hr3&4.mp3 ROL_2009-08-2...
October 16, 2009 ruleoflawradio 10-12-09 Rule Of LawSpecial Guest Richard Reeves discusses how the Trans-Texas Corridor was stopped and how CAMPO has no...
Eddie’s traffic case is dismissed.
Callers’ questions and comments about their own traffic cases.
The DOJ and IRS’s prosecution of Lindsey Springer (of the Tax Honesty Movement) regarding his citation of 5 USC 553’s rule making procedures.