01-14-13 Radio Free Oklahoma Posted on January 15, 2013 7:04 pm by rfok Comment Holland discusses the one month anniversary of the tragic school shooting at Sandy Hook elementary and the weight of evidence arising out of that event that indicts the official story as a hoax. RFOK_2013-01-14_64k.mp3 RFOK_2013-01-14_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2013 RFOK
May 21, 2013 rfok 05-20-13 Radio Free OklahomaReplay of 04-22-13. Holland discusses the recent events in Boston. Callers weigh in as well. RFOK_20...
June 18, 2013 rfok 06-17-13 Radio Free OklahomaHolland returns to the airwaves to discuss current events and take your calls. RFOK_2013-06-17_64k.m...