08-16-09 Live and Let Live
Hour 1: Lisa Mallory, a member of the Leander, Texas, school board, (http://lisa4lisd.com/) grades public education.
Hour 2: J. Henry Phillips, author of “Prohibition and the Crash,” (http://1929crash.com/) tells how alcohol prohibition led to the 1929 stock market crash.
08-14-09 Rule Of Law
Special Guest: Paul from Texas. Paul discusses his history in the mortgage industry and explains how the mortgage and banking industry really works from an insider’s point of view. Paul takes calls and stays into overtime with Randy, Eddie, and Deborah. This one is not to be missed.
08-09-09 Live and Let Live
Sunday, August 9, 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.: Live and Let Live. Hosted by Gary Johnson. www.ruleoflawradio.com..
Hour 1: Former Congressman Barry Goldwater Jr. of Arizona (www.barrymgoldwaterjr.com) plugs his book “Pure Goldwater” (www.barrymgoldwaterjr.com/PureGoldwater.html) and joins the Ron Paul Revolution. (www.ronpaulforcongress.com/BBQInvite.pdf)Hour 2: Lou Ann Anderson (www.estateofdenial.com) discusses the threats to inheritances from the “involuntary redistribution of assets” through wills, trusts, guardianships, and powers of attorney.
08-06-09 INN World Report Radio
Steve Skidmore and Neil Switkowski fill in for Tom Kiely.