11-29-12 INN World Report Radio

Tom’s first guest tonight is Robert Naiman. Over the years Robert has been on the program with Tom many times. He has recently returned from Pakistan where he when to observe the effects of our Drone War there. Tonight Tom will talk with Robert about the recent post “Arab Spring” more toward Dictatorship in Egypt and also about the breaking news of an internet “black out” in Syria. Tom’s first guest tonight is Robert Naiman. Over the years Robert has been on the program with Tom many times. He has recently returned from Pakistan where he when to observe the effects of our Drone War there. Tonight Tom will talk with Robert about the recent post “Arab Spring” more toward Dictatorship in Egypt and also about the breaking news of an internet “black out” in Syria.

Tom’s second guest is Bill Crane. Bill Crane is coming on the show tonight for the first time. He has recently written a piece about the ShowTime progam “Homeland” which pushes the theme that Middle Eastern terrorists are able to penetrate the highest levels of our government. The unstated message is the same old one: “Be afraid, be very afraid” but he asks how accurate is this kind of programming?

