03-23-13 God and Guns Posted on March 24, 2013 7:43 pm by godandguns Comment Larry talks to Pastor Brandon Teague of Faith Baptist Church in Paris Texas about the end times and what the Bible says about it. God_and_Guns_2013-03-23_64k.mp3 God_and_Guns_2013-03-23_64k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2013 God and Guns
November 4, 2013 godandguns 11-02-13 God and GunsGod_and_Guns_2013-11-02_64k.mp3 God_and_Guns_2013-11-02_16k.mp3
April 7, 2013 godandguns 04-06-13 God and GunsToday Larry talks to Pastor Joey Faust about his book, The Word: God will keep it. The 400 year Hist...