02-09-13 God and Guns Posted on February 11, 2013 7:19 am by godandguns Comment Larry talks about gun control in the news and what we could be facing in the very near future if Americans don’t wake up. God_and_Guns_2013-02-09_64k.mp3 God_and_Guns_2013-02-09_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2013 God and Guns
July 8, 2013 godandguns 07-06-13 God and GunsGod_and_Guns_2013-07-06_64k.mp3 God_and_Guns_2013-07-06_16k.mp3
March 31, 2013 godandguns 03-30-13 God and GunsLarry talks to Dr. Greg Dixon about 501(c)3 churches. Dr. Dixon knows first hand what happens when y...