10-29-09 Endless Fraud Detection Posted on October 30, 2009 5:02 am by admin Comment Special Guests Michael Pines and Brad Keiser. Randy Kelton calls in to discuss mortgage issues. EFD_2009-10-29_64k.mp3 EFD_2009-10-29_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2009 Endless Fraud Detection
September 25, 2009 admin 09-24-09 Endless Fraud DetectionEFD_2009-09-24_64k.mp3 EFD_2009-09-24_16k.mp3
August 21, 2009 admin 08-20-09 Endless Fraud DetectionDebut show with hosts Steve Skidmore & Neil Switkowski. Steve & Neil take calls and discuss topics s...