- Category Archives The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust
12-09-12 The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust
Pediatrician Dr. Janet Levatin. Dr. Levatin is the pediatrician-in-residence at Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Integrative Medical Center, in Ohio. She will relate the experiences that made her question vaccines – made her question her medical training – and what she’s discovered in her subsequent research.
Patti Finn, vaccine attorney. Ms. Finn has put out an all points bulletin for nurses and other health care workers who are being fired, or threatened with termination, for refusing the flu shot. She’ll discuss her basic strategies and past experiences in battling such cases.
The issue of trust was the most unusual. In the recent Congressional hearing on autism, it was made abundantly clear that several of the legislators posing questions to the CDC representatives were doing so because they’ve had an increasing number of their constituents sitting in their offices, frustrated and angry because they had no doubt that vaccines had seriously damaged their children, and very tired of the refusal on the part of the entities assigned the responsibility of oversight of the nation’s health to speak directly to the issue.
We know there is a behemoth behind the vaccination paradigm. Those nurses threatened with termination are the collateral damage of requirements recently put in place by the Department of Health and Human Services, with which hospitals must comply to receive 2% of their Medicare monies. Those vaccinations – both flu and pneumonia for patients, and flu-only for employees – are listed as Prevention: Global Immunization Measures. The pressure on legislators to stifle any blossoming curiosity about a vaccine link to autism must be weighty, but if there’s anything that can counter it, it’s the threat from disgruntled constituents of loss of the next election.
So our issue of trust is unusual, indeed: we trust that a continual stream of parents through the offices of legislators, relating their stories of vaccine damage and letting it be known in no uncertain terms that they expect the good Representative or Senator to not only breathe down the neck of the CDC, but actively work to make real progress happen, may have a meaningful impact.
On the schedule for next week, and hopin’ she stays on it: Lisa Joyce Goes, autism mom, the Rev of the Thinking Mom’s Revolution, and an indomitable spirit. The messages that flow through her pen cannot be ignored.
12-02-12 The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust
Today’s episode involves two issues of trust:
OBGYN’s have begun recommending the Tdap vaccine to their patients, in addition to the flu shot they began recommending two years ago. Our guest just a few weeks ago, Eileen Dannemann, Director of the National Coalition of Organized Women, spoke to the huge increase, of over 4,000%, in miscarriages and stillbirths in 2009/2010, with the introduction of the H1N1 vaccine. In 2010 the H1N1 vaccine was added to the seasonal flu shot, and the CDC urged OBGYN’s to begin routinely administering it to all of their patients. The CDC was aware at the time of the tremendous increase in risk, percentage-wise, that had resulted from the previous year’s H1N1 vaccination campaign, yet told the OBGYN’s there had been no increase in risk. To now add the Tdap vaccine as a recommendation is insidious.
This past Thursday, November 29, 2012, the Congressional Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing on autism, spurred by the announcement months back that the incidence of autism in the U.S. in children has reached 1 in 88. Almost comical, were it not for the medical tragedy unfolding before our very eyes in the epidemics of neurological and autoimmune disorders in the nation’s youth, the two CDC officials sidestepped, vaulted and otherwise detoured around half the vaccine-related questions asked of them, Dr. Coleen Boyle, in particular, hemming and hawing in such absurd fashion as to be a virtual caricature of herself. Promises were made in many instances to provide to the Committee in the future, answers relevant to the questions being asked of them in the hearing; answers which they should have had at their fingertips, and which, beyond the televised hearing, will now be generally unavailable to the public. Add to this that when asked about the participation of wanted criminal Poul Thorsen, Danish research scientist who absconded with millions of CDC-sponsored dollars, in the studies the CDC has used to announce no proven link between vaccines and autism, she responded, he was involved in only two of the several. A short while later in the same hearing, however, the Congressman who had initially asked the question held up for all to see the papers he had just been handed by one of his staffers, listing Thorsen as a researcher in twenty of the twenty-two studies. Not a comment was made to Dr. Boyle about her previous response, which at that point lay somewhere between significantly incomplete information and perjury.
The guests were:
Deanna Gromowski, mother of Ian, who died at the hands of a Hep B vaccine. Ian never left the hospital setting. He had some relatively minor problems at birth that kept him hospitalized a few days extra. On day seven, as he was about to be released, he was given the Hep B vaccine, and within hours his fatal allergic reaction had begun. His parents had been given no warning about any potential side effects; no advisement that vaccinations should not be administered if there were existing immune system compromise, as was the case with Ian.
Ian’s case worsened, and he was transferred to another hospital, where he continued to worsen, to pass away on his forty-seventh day. At the second hospital, a neonatologist told Deanna, off the record, that because of Ian’s reaction she should not vaccinate any future children. The doctor also helped Deanna write a report for submission to VAERS – the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System – but would not sign it, leaving that for Deanna. VAERS reports are typically submitted by doctors. A telltale sign of the stranglehold the industry has on information, the doctor also wanted to write up Ian’s case history, but was told by the hospital administration that she would be fired if she did.
Ian’s story:
http://www.IansVoice.orgSallie O. Elkordy, journalist and researcher, and co-host of The Mary and Sallie Show, was our second guest. Vaccines are only one of the many issues Sallie researches – and in which she takes an active role. Sallie has written proposed legislation to ban all vaccines.
Information central for Sallie’s work:
http://billiontoddlermarchforsurvival.blogspot.com/The Mary and Sallie Show:
11-25-12 The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust
The issue of trust was the lack of dissemination of the news of the alleviation of autism symptoms triggered by the treatment of the Lancet kids’ bowel diseases. The effect of the treatments was so momentous as to be a potentially substantial breakthrough in perspective on autism and development of recovery strategies. To varying degrees on an individual basis, the kids began sleeping through the night, after many months or years of not having done so; began not only speaking after not having spoken, but resumed the learning of vocabulary – most remarkable and heartening, in some cases using the newfound speech on a level commensurate with their growth since ceasing to speak, making it clear that they had continued growing internally, both emotionally and intellectually, despite displaying the symptoms of autism; and, poignantly, began once again recognizing and bonding emotionally with their families.
This news should have been trumpeted in headlines around the world, yet, in the now many years since the publication of the case series, we’ve seen not even a mention.
The guest was gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who, together with his twelve colleagues at the Royal Free Hospital in London, a formidable team of doctors and clinicians, led by one of the world’s leading pediatric gastroenterologists, Professor Walker-Smith, examined, analyzed and treated twelve children, all of whom had autism and severe gastrointestinal problems. To this day, the parents of the twelve children stand in strong support of the treatment of their children, lauding, indeed, that for the first time in the history of their kids’ illnesses, they were treated with the respect and compassion we should expect in health care.
Dr. Wakefield discussed the focus of his new book, Waging War on the Autistic Child: The Arizona 5 and the Legacy of Baron Von Munchausen, including the intriguing possibility that autism can be passed from one sibling to another through horizontal transmission, as opposed to contagion. That vaccine viruses can be horizontally transmitted has been adequately demonstrated, scientifically. The unusual fold here would be the harboring of the vaccine virus in the gut of the transmission recipient, which is perhaps explainable by the fact that horizontal transmission of measles can take place – indeed, because of the nature of such transmission is likely to take place – orally, whereas typical societal transmission of wild measles is respiratory in nature.
Nancy and Dr. Wakefield discussed the role of antibiotics in the incidence of autism. Antibiotics, much in use, destroy not only those bacteria in the gut considered the disease pathogens, but all bacteria, the vast majority of which are beneficial and absolutely necessary for proper digestion, and therefore proper function of the immune system. The doctor described the finding in the guts of autistic children of a markedly different, atypical, population of bacteria, when compared with healthy individuals.
Nancy asked the good doctor whether, considering that information such as we were discussing, readily available, is routinely not provided in mainstream media, thus unknown in the general public, there is any hope: yes, but only if parents wake up to the facts and take up political arms against legislation requiring vaccines, which constitute a usurpation of their parental rights and the suffocation of their freedom to fulfill their parental responsibility to protect their children. The good news is that in various studies upwards of 90% of parents surveyed said their main medical concern is vaccine safety.
Incredibly, Dr. Wakefield also described the following parameters laid out by the CDC, for pre-clinical testing of the measles vaccine by manufacturers, to determine whether it’s safe to inject into children. A group of monkeys – no control group required – receives thalamic injections of pure measles antigen – directly into the thalamus, in the brain. They are then observed for 21 days, after which they are sacrificed and analyzed. If a monkey dies within 48 hours, however, it is considered uncooperative – an inferior recruit – and replaced with another monkey, one that will hopefully have more respect for the process. If more than 20% die, the entire test is considered aberrant, and a new one implemented. So goes the testing to determine whether the substance is safe to use in vaccine clinical trial – typically for injection into healthy three-to-nine year olds.
Finally, he discussed the fact that a virus is a potentially infectious agent, but does not necessarily become pathogenic until other factors come into play. He referred specifically to the plague virus a particular group of Mongolian ground squirrels harbor in their throats, but from which they never develop the disease – as it turns out, after a study implemented by the Russian government, because their diet includes certain minerals that are found in the indigenous vegetation, whereas other colonies of the same species of squirrel, in other locations, succumb to the disease, lacking the good mineral, or ingesting other, toxic, minerals instead. This phenomenon speaks directly to a core tenet of the vaccination paradigm, which considers every infectious agent a pathogen, and every pathogen, a cause of disease. Obviously, it’s not really that simple.
Dr. Wakefield also announced the creation of the Academic Integrity Fund, established to help support medical professionals who speak out about the dangers of vaccines, as well as other drugs, and the corruption revealed in the pharmaceutical industry’s attacks upon them.
Dr. Wakefield’s books are available at:
http://www.Callous-Disregard.comThe Academic Integrity Fund: