- Category Archives Truth News Radio Australia
06-12-13 Truth News Radio Australia
My 2nd hour guest in today’s show is Brian Monk, a farmer from Queensland who has become a vocal and passionate critic of the Coal Seam Gas (CSG) industry in Australia.
Brian is a member of the Lock the Gate Alliance, whose mission statement we present below:
The mission of the Lock the Gate Alliance is to protect Australia’s natural, environmental, cultural and agricultural resources from inappropriate mining and to educate and empower all Australians to demand sustainable solutions to food and energy production. We are working in our local communities: home by home, road by road, to lock the gate and protect our land, water and future.
The movement against coal seam gas in Australia is very broad, and the concerns people have raised cut across many different issues, such as:
- property rights
- public health
- government corruption
- scientific fraud
In the show today Brian Monk describes his own personal experiences with the CSG representatives who demanded access to his property and his ongoing legal battles.
Brian talks about the contamination of his own and other water bores, which leads to flammable gas bubbling up in the water.
Brian also talks at length about the health problems experienced by many people who live in the vicintiy of CSG wells and gives his critique of the government-funded scientific investigations which he sees as deeply flawed and corrupted by lobbyists for the mining industry.
During the show we also discuss the whole problem of rampant dishonesty in government and science and the psychological characteristics of people who are willing to tell lies and sell out their country for a few dollars.
Related Links
06-05-13 Truth News Radio Australia
Jabbed is a documentary produced by SBS televisonIn today’s show we zero in on some of the outright fraud which is being perpetrated on behalf of large companies who make their money from selling vaccines.
We go through some facts and figures on the the incidence of pertussis (whooping cough) and contrast these with the blatant disinformation which is being put forth by mainstream news sources who are blaming a resurgence of this and other infectious diseases on parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids.
We also take a look at a new documentary, Jabbed, produced by government-funded TV channel SBS. We analyse the style and presentation of the film, highlighting the propaganda and disinformation contained therein.
We propose that making vaccines mandatory undermines the core mechanism which ensures quality control in a free market economy – namely consumer choice. If consumers lose the opportunity to choose between competing products then the incentive for continuous improvement and the stringent application of standards is lost also. In such a scenario we are totally reliant on government regulation to maintain standards, but this is further undermined by the monopolistic control of the pharmaceutical industry by a handful of giant companies whose executives have a revolving door relationship with government departments.
Related Links
- What they won’t admit about measles outbreaks: Most children who catch measles were already vaccinated
- Jabbed on SBS
- AVN: despite extremely high levels of vaccination we now have as much whooping cough as we had prior to vaccination
- Whooping cough vaccine: how well is it working?
- Low immunisation behind South Australian whooping cough outbreak
- Whooping cough in Australian children – how many were vaccinated?
- Vaccination Coverage in Australian Children – ABS Statistics