Guest Nick Denning speaks about the corruption in the mortgage industry.
- Category Archives Rule Of Law
01-14-11 Rule of Law
Hour 1 & 2: Randy gives a presentation on Due Process.
Hour 3 & 4: Eddie covers the Mike Haendel Trial, then hosts take calls.
01-13-11 Rule of Law
Replay of 12-30-10.
Hosts discuss the campaign. Talk show host George Butler calls in. Hosts take calls.
12-31-10 Rule of Law
Replay of 11-19-10.
First 90 minutes: Special guest Sibel Edmonds discusses the current situation regarding TSA and other related issues. (
Hosts then play an astonishing audio clip of Mike Haendel confronting a police supervisor concerning who asked them to investigate Mike for filing documents in his defense with the court. Hosts take calls.
12-30-10 Rule of Law
Hosts discuss the campaign. Talk show host George Butler calls in. Hosts take calls.
12-27-10 Rule of Law
Replay of 12-20-10.
Eddie presents a mock cross-examination of a police officer during a traffic ticket trial.
12-24-10 Rule of Law
Replay of 09-03-10.
Show on Due Process.
12-23-10 Rule of Law
Guest Stephen Rogers from Shentrition. Hosts take calls.
12-20-10 Rule of Law
Eddie presents a mock cross-examination of a police officer during a traffic ticket trial.
12-17-10 Rule of Law
Hosts discuss improprieties in the training programs of judicial entities, then take calls.
12-10-10 Rule of Law
Guest Don Zimmerman discusses his US Supreme Court case and Texas Supreme Court case victories, and his new book “How to Swing Votes.”
12-06-10 Rule of Law
Monday night is Eddie’s night. Eddie discusses myths surrounding “practicing law without a license”, and then hosts take calls.