Guest Hereward Fenton from Truth News Radio Australia ( talks about his new project “We Will Not Be Scanned.” (
- Category Archives Rule Of Law
03-12-12 Rule of Law
Eddie’s Night. Deborah opens with a brief discussion on the descent of free republics into bondage and tyranny from a historical perspective, and how this relates to our current work of remedies in the courts. Eddie continues with traffic issues and takes your calls.
03-09-12 Rule of Law
Replay of 02-24-12.
Friday 4-Hour Infomarathon.
03-08-12 Rule of Law
Guest Richard Reeves talks about the Texas primaries and how to be precinct chairs and delegates. Then hosts take your calls.
03-01-12 Rule of Law
Guest Mike Mirras discusses how to win suits against debt collectors and creditors. Deborah discusses Jerry’s recent victory in federal court using the Mike Mirras method. You can find out more about Mike’s course at
02-27-12 Rule of Law
Eddie’s Night. Eddie takes your calls, and later in the show the hosts mention another activist fighting on the transportation front, Chad Dornsife. His website is Chad did a study finding that there was a dramatic decrease in traffic-related accidents and fatalities when there were no speed limits. According to Chad’s research, “90 percent of traffic citations issued, and the majority of traffic stops, have no factual foundation from a safety perspective.”
02-23-12 Rule of Law
Guests Mark Adams, John Russell, and Jim Condit discuss election fraud.
02-16-12 Rule of Law
Guest Pharmacist Ben Fuchs. ( Folks can purchase Youngevity products at
02-09-12 Rule of Law
Guests Richard Reeves and Katherine Moreno talk about health issues and the Youngevity products. Youngevity is now a sponsor of Logos Radio Network. To purchase products or become a distributor please visit When you purchase products or become a distributor you support Logos Radio Network.
Eddie discusses yesterdayk’s “kangaroo court” trial on his traffic ticket case.
02-03-12 Rule of Law
4-Hour Infomarathon with Guest Phil from Australia.