Replay of 11-29-11.
Guest Robert Naiman, Senior Policy Analyst & National Coordinator at Just Foreign Policy.
Free Speech Truth Talk Radio at Its Best
Replay of 11-29-11.
Guest Robert Naiman, Senior Policy Analyst & National Coordinator at Just Foreign Policy.
Replay of 11-08-11.
Guest: Professor Stephen Zunes discusses Libya, Arab Spring, and the Palestinian bid to join UN. (
Guest Robert Naiman, Senior Policy Analyst & National Coordinator at Just Foreign Policy.
Replay of 11-22-11.
Guest Julia Davis, Homeland Security Whistleblower. (,,,
Guest Julia Davis, Homeland Security Whistleblower. (,,,
Tonight Tom’s guest is Eric Draitser. Once again Tom and Eric examine the events of the week in relation to Occupy Wall St. as well as international developments regarding the Shanghai Cooperation Organization , the destabilization of Syria and the collapse of the Eurozone. Eric can be reached on twitter @StopImperialism and you can always send Tom an email at
Hour 1 guest Nomi Prins. Tom and Nomi discuss Nomi’s new book “Black Tuesday.” (
Hour 2 guest Morris Berman. Morris Berman is a well known cultural historian and social critic. He is a professor who has taught at a number of US and international universities. Tom and Morris discuss Moriss’ new book “Why America Failed.” (
Tonight’s guest, Eric Draitser, talked about the “Great Game’s” current incarnation with the reemergence of China and Russia into the fray as international players. Specifically, Eric brought up some current headlines about the South Stream pipeline from Russia, around the Ukraine, to Italy and Austria. Eric also directed our attention to the emerging power bloc of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and how even Pakistan wants to gain entry as a permanent member alongside China and Russian. Eric can be followed on Twitter @StopImperialism where he will give you daily updates on the stories behind the headlines. Tom also invites you to drop him an email at
Guest: Professor Stephen Zunes discusses Libya, Arab Spring, and the Palestinian bid to join UN. (
On this program Tom’s guest is Ellen Brown author of Web of Debt, The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free. Ellen is also an outspoken critic of Wall St. and the Federal Reserve. Ellen talks about the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Ellen’s website is
Guest Chuck Churchman from We Are Change Colorado.