Tonight in the first hour we discussed American Juris Prudence about constitutional guaranteed rights, and in the second hour Don reads from the Qu’ran and asked “Is Islam a religion of peace?”
- Category Archives Agenda 21 Talk
03-24-15 Agenda 21 Talk
03-17-15 Agenda 21 Talk
03-10-15 Agenda 21 Talk
Tonight we had Shawn Siegel as a guest and we talked about vaccines – another great show!
03-03-15 Agenda 21 Talk
Guest Dan Fisher and Don Casey.
02-03-15 Agenda 21 Talk
Replay of 12-16-15.
Our show tonight was on rights and traffic cases.
01-27-15 Agenda 21 Talk
Tonight Don talks about Revelation 11:18 “… (God will) destroy them which destroy the earth,” and current events.
01-20-15 Agenda 21 Talk
Tonight Don and Shannon talked about trusts vs private contracts and about due process.
01-13-15 Agenda 21 Talk
Tonight Shannon is back and Don and Shannon talk about the need to study and practice befor going to court.
01-06-15 Agenda 21 Talk
Tonight Don talks about drones killing civilians, the police state, traffic and the Bible and mark of the Beast.
12-30-14 Agenda 21 Talk
Don talks about the Bible, Christmas trees as spoken of in Jeremiah Chapter 10, and prophecy in Daniel and Revelation.
12-23-14 Agenda 21 Talk
Replay of 12-02-14.
Tonight we had Brother Jefferson as our guest and we talked about 14 Bible study and prophetic study rules.
12-09-14 Agenda 21 Talk
Replay of 11-04-14.
Tonight Shannon and Don talk about rights as immunities and Alabama’s supreme court case on ‘Bundle of Rights’ and finally the abomination of desolation.
12-02-14 Agenda 21
Tonight we had Brother Jefferson as our guest and we talked about 14 Bible study and prophetic study rules.
11-25-14 Agenda 21 Talk
Tonight Don reads news stories, definition of ‘person’, and Bible prophecy of the Last Days.
11-18-14 Agenda 21 Talk
Tonights show we talked about property rights, securitization and the book of Daniel.