01-25-13 AxXiom for Liberty

This week’s AxXiom for Liberty is a solo ride with Howard as Kaye was attending a conference out of state. Since Kaye always says: “Policy is where the rubber meets the road”, this week’s show focuses on policy brought about by GOOD legislation. We bring on Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm, Oklahoma State Rep. Paul Wesselhoft, Oklahoma State Rep. Dr. Mike Ritze, and author of “The Rise of The Nanny State and the War on Smoking”, Theodore King.

We discuss several pieces of proposed legislation that ACTUALLY secures Liberty, restores Freedom, and promotes personal responsibility at the state level. We’ve got to quit “chasing headlines” and get ahead of curve. These bills we discuss are a change of direction…in the RIGHT direction.

Anti-NDAA bills, Firearms Freedom Act, anti- Drone surveillance, 2nd. Amendment Preservation Act, promotion of sound money, anti-Agenda 21, and on and on and on. Great info on what bills we really need to support!

Howard Houchen — just me.

