01-07-10 AxXiom For Liberty Posted on January 10, 2011 2:04 am by axxiomforliberty Comment A4L_2011-01-07_128k.mp3 A4L_2011-01-07_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2011 AxXiom For Liberty
July 11, 2011 axxiomforliberty 07-08-11 AxXiom for LibertyGuest Dr. Coffman has a Ph. D in ecosystem analysis and climatology and has been studying the United...
July 7, 2011 axxiomforliberty 07-01-11 AxXiom for LibertyA4L_2011-07-01_64k.mp3 A4L_2011-07-01_16k.mp3