03-24-20 Prophecy Watch/Agenda 21 Talk Posted on March 28, 2020 11:55 am by agenda21talk Comment A21_2020-03-24_64k.mp3 A21_2020-03-24_16k.mp3 Tonight’s show is about the coronavirus in prophecy, enforcement of the mark of the beast. 📂This entry was posted in 2020 Agenda 21 Talk
January 27, 2021 agenda21talk 12-01-20 Prophecy Watch/Agenda 21 TalkA21_2020-12-01_64k.mp3 A21_2020-12-01_16k.mp3 Tonight I talked about the great deceptions that are g...
September 15, 2020 agenda21talk 07-14-20 Prophecy Watch/Agenda 21 TalkA21_2020-07-14_64k.mp3 A21_2020-07-14_16k.mp3 Tonight, in the second half of the show, I talked abou...