12-29-15 Agenda 21 Talk Posted on January 3, 2016 1:27 am by agenda21talk Comment Replay of 12-22-15. A21_2015-12-22_64k.mp3 A21_2015-12-22_16k.mp3 Tonight we examined the fake pagan holiday of Christmas, when Jesus was actually born, and where the traditions came from like the tree, including Biblical references. This entry was posted in 2015 Agenda 21 Talk
October 15, 2015 agenda21talk 10-13-15 Agenda 21 TalkA21_2015-10-13_64k.mp3 A21_2015-10-13_16k.mp3 Tonight our guest was Sam G from Georgia. We talked ab...
September 2, 2015 agenda21talk 09-01-15 Agenda 21 TalkA21_2015-09-01_64k.mp3 A21_2015-09-01_16k.mp3 Tonight's show was about Agenda 2030 and the New World...