01-28-14 Agenda 21 Talk Posted on January 30, 2014 12:19 am by agenda21talk Comment A21_2014-01-28_64k.mp3 A21_2014-01-28_16k.mp3 We talked about many topics tonight – the honor/dishonor process, news stories, and Dean Clifford. 📂This entry was posted in 2014 Agenda 21 Talk
May 20, 2014 agenda21talk 05-20-14 Agenda 21 TalkA21_2014-05-20_64k.mp3 A21_2014-05-20_16k.mp3 Tonight's show was about court presentation and the ne...
July 1, 2014 agenda21talk 06-24-14 Agenda 21 TalkReplay of 06-03-14. A21_2014-06-03_64k.mp3 A21_2014-06-03_16k.mp3 Shannon and Don discussed property...