07-16-13 Agenda 21 Talk Posted on July 20, 2013 1:27 am by agenda21talk Comment Tonight’s guest is Jon Stone. The topics concern administrative courts vs constitutional courts and some quotes from Samuel Adams. In the second half Jeff calls in with information on foreclosures. A21_2013-07-16_64k.mp3 A21_2013-07-16_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2013 Agenda 21 Talk
November 9, 2013 agenda21talk 11-05-13 Agenda 21 TalkReplay of 10-22-13. A21_2013-10-22_64k.mp3 A21_2013-10-22_16k.mp3 Don and Shannon take your calls. I...
October 1, 2013 agenda21talk 09-24-13 Agenda 21 TalkA21_2013-09-24_64k.mp3 A21_2013-09-24_16k.mp3 Tonight we read from and discussed "Guide to Teaching...