08-16-13 AxXiom for Liberty Posted on August 17, 2013 2:45 pm by axxiomforliberty Comment Larry sits in for Kaye Beach. During the second hour the population control agenda is discussed, and callers weigh in on the issue. Deborah guest co-hosts for one segment to discuss the issue as well. A4L_2013-08-16_64k.mp3 A4L_2013-08-16_16k.mp3 📂This entry was posted in 2013 AxXiom For Liberty
June 2, 2013 axxiomforliberty 05-31-13 AxXiom for LibertyKaye and Howard are live the first hour, then run a replay because of tornado weather in the area. A...
July 8, 2013 axxiomforliberty 07-05-13 AxXiom for LibertyReplay of 06-14-13. A4L_2013-06-14_64k.mp3 A4L_2013-06-14_16k.mp3