One Response to 06-18-10 Rule Of Law

  1. Avatar nescience
    nescience says:

    Hours 1 and 2:
    Randy updates us the success thus far of his program while he is on tour in Colorado getting the word out about the mortgage fraud.

    Original thinker, Financial Analyst Steve (IL), joins us late (as he was needed by his besieged pastor). Steve discusses a deteriorating global economic system that is leading unalterably to the demise of all fiat currencies and the central banks’ inability to stop it. Scapegoats are needed and those dirty, filthy “PIGS” (Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain) are being propagandized as war bait because they have the gall to debase their currency more recklessly than other nations.

    Hours 3 and 4:
    Financial Analyst Steve (continued). How the Federal Reserve Bank caused the Dow Jones Industrial Average to plunge 1,000 points right before a vote was to take place on Ron Paul “Audit the FED” bill. How central banks take turns devaluing their currencies, thereby stealing from everyone. The eternal value of precious metals (is $130/ounce silver reasonable in today’s world?). British Petroleum’s mammoth oil gusher catastrophe: plummeting fisheries and Gulf coast realty values and the potential for an oily hurricane disaster.