09-10-15 INN World Report Radio



Tonight’s guest was Professor Lance deHaven-Smith who teaches Public Administration and Policy at the University of Florida, Tallahassee. Professor de-Haven-Smith is famous for having started the academic line of inquiry that he calls State Crimes Against Democracy or SCADs for short. It has been some time since Tom has had Lance on the program and they caught up on a lot of the things that had transpired in the interim such as his important book Conspiracy Theory in America published by the University of Texas Press as part of their Discovering America series.

Together Professor deHaven-Smith and Tom discuss such important topics as the CIA’s creation of the pejorative “Conspiracy Theory” in their 1967 memo to members of the press on how to deal with critics of the Warren Commission Report and other topics. Professor deHaven-Smith’s website is: http://dehaven-smith.com/

The website for his book Conspiracy Theory in America can be found here: http://utpress.utexas.edu/index.php/books/dehcon