One Response to 12-16-11 Rule of Law

  1. Eddie talks about raw milk situation, govt’s aggressive genetic engineering of crops and animals.

    Randy talks about grand jury legislation he hopes to propose in upcoming session. Then he recounts a recent event where court records required to be with the court clerk were with the DA instead. His point was that the DA didn’t really care about due process procedures because it didn’t impact him or his job. Randy observes that this is the same with most police officers. As long as they aren’t in harm’s way, they don’t really care.

    So, Randy’s want is to have legislation saying that grand juries must open to public complaints once a month. That would go a long way toward giving officials impetus to be accountable.

    Randy talks about the bar grievance site development, and the importance of judicial conduct complaints against judges in matters where they have no immunity protection – and how to do it properly with criminal conduct affidavits so the System can no longer just blow it off.

    Eric in Wisconsin. Eric is the Logos website developer and We Are Change Wisconsin organizer. He offers development ideas for getting people in locales together.

    Randy goes back to remedy, this time focusing on real estate issues.
    Mike in Texas. Arrested for recording by audio device in court. He has the goods on the judge who signed the arrest warrant. Mike and Randy discuss the actions the court is trying to take to get Mike’s evidence thrown out – films that will show that court officers make affidavits under perjury.

    Additionally, Mike was on a jury last week. A good discussion on prosecutorial misconduct ensues.

    Kyle in Texas. 501(3)(c) discussion regarding churches.

    Mike in Texas. Randy discusses procedures and remedy under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Mike asks Eddie about ‘financial responsibility’ vs. ‘proof of insurance’. There are seven or eight different ways to meet ‘financial responsibility’ in Texas Trans Code Chapter 600, but revenuers most often simply cite for no ‘proof of insurance’. Eddie points out that Texas Code states that the person is guilty until proven innocent, a bill of attainder.

    Grant in Texas. Robosigning case.

    Lynn in Texas. Questions about a runaway grand jury. Lynn believes it is a citizen committee that forms on its own. Randy advises that it is a properly assembled grand jury that is not a docile puppet of a DA.

    John in California. Default judgments, FDCPA, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Mike Mirras method.