One Response to 12-12-12 Rule of Law

  1. Deborah explains why the website posting policy is what it is.
    Eddie tells that on his way to Brave New Books in Austin for the weekly seminar. Pulled over by a hyped up AUD motorcycle cop. Wrote a speeding tix. Yummy for Eddie! He alludes to the night-and-day differences between law and most peoples’ perceptions of the law, and then briefly goes over the documents he intends to file.
    Eddie goes over the actions of rogue muni judge Calloway. File judicial complaints, bar grievance and criminal complaints. Then, M to Disqualify.
    Deborah reminds listeners that posting show comments (such as this post) are something that she can’t do, but we all can. C’mon! Jump in and post the show record when you can.
    Ryan in Texas. Property lines, though discussion of trespassing.
    Eddie applauds sheriff of Elkhart, Indiana; Brad Rogers. The sheriff ran FDA out of the county, banning them from doing warrantless inspections.
    Hondo in Texas. Driving w/o a license. Thrown in jail after a ‘conference’ with the prosecutor for ‘driving’ to the ‘conference’. No complaint, no magistrate hearing &c. Eddie says the best way to go after harassing local officials is federal Deprivation of Rights…but to do so, Hondo MUST stay on the ‘transportation’ issue and not swerve off of it.
    Lynn in Texas. Traffic ticket in Austin…does not comply with Trans Code 708.105.
    Brian in Minnesota. Eddie talks about Minnesota court system.
    Phil in Texas. Traffic tix. Move to Dismiss for Service on Improper Party.
    Steph. Filing of ppwk before pre-trial vs. after pre-trial and during trial. Filing criminal complaints against court clerks.